Thursday, November 8, 2007

Unconditional Surrender.

Time for Church Kids
Come on kids.....let's go to Church and join the Lord's army. Let's sing "Happy for Jesus" together and give our tithe (well it's really just a "cliche" don't get convicted about this my dear friend) and offerings. Let's tell the Pastor what a great sermon that was and how it really touched our hearts (and then go critique it later over our 75$ lunch)...come on kid's let's go worship God together. Before church..... "Honey, I will wait in the car while you get the house clean, the kids ready and by the way do you know where my Bible is? "I haven't seen it in while"....she replies....."Yes love!, it's over there behind your computer!" Oh thanks.....!

"We play church and the enemy detroys our nation"
This is such a great picture of "my impression" of the current situation in our churches. We are all about the family. We teach on the family, we preach on the family we teach on the importance of staying in love (not keeping our promises)...we preach that God is all about the family, ect. I once heard that Men tend to "Worship their Work and Work at their Play and Play at their Worship" How true is that! This would then be a picture of the modern day serf trying to protect his family from the world by 'playing with the forces of evil".


He spends countless hours on the Internet "playing games"....he is the "warrior of cyber space". (this is because it is in his blood to be a KNIGHT)...he can not be conquered! You can see in this picture that His "damsel is in distress" as she too is only riding the "appearance of a horse"....far too busy trying to win that fight the men are handing over to her. Our King.... said vengeance will be His....there will be HELL to pay things you have done in your life....their is NO HOPE for those that "continue in sin" but the fearful and dreadful judgement and raging fire that is awaiting all who do evil!

History 256 B.C.
Punic War

Two cruel Carthaginian torturers crush the Roman consul Marcus Atilius Regulus between spiked boards set up on trestles. The brutal scene takes place inside a low, gray-walled enclosure. To the right, three elderly, bearded men peer over the wall, gravely contemplating the spectacle before them. The Roman consul Regulus served in the Punic war, defeating the Carthaginians in 256 B.C. His demands for an unconditional surrender, however, so angered the Carthaginians that they continued their battle and in 255 soundly defeated the Romans. As a Carthaginian prisoner, Regulus was sent back to Rome to negotiate a peace treaty. Against the protests of his fellow citizens, he returned to Carthage to fulfill the terms of his captivity; according to legend, he was then tortured to death. The Romans saw Regulus as a hero, and his legend was kept alive through inclusion in medieval texts like Giovanni Boccaccio's Concerning the Fates of Men and Women .

Today: 2007 A.D.
"Punyc War"

You are now in another are in the war of puny men and real men. The King of Righteousness against the enemy of righteousness. The God of the universe against the god of this world. They both are after your unconditional surrender. Which one will you serve? The baron is trying to destroy your family, your children and your marriage. Make no mistake he wants your unconditional surrender....he will not accept anything less. Men when you understand "this" it is time to fight back. In one year these Carthanginians fought back and won..from the actual point of negotiating the terms of surrender...they just didn't like the terms..unconditional surrender! They got ahold of their dignity and regained the composure and finished off their dreadful enemy the Romans. This is an amazing story and can be true of you too....fight back...don't surrender....don't wait until your family, your marriage are must fight back my dear friend! Our King showed us what TOTAL SURRENDER was but even though it appeared to the world as UNCONDITIONAL us we know it was ABSOLUTE VICTORY!

"Be not mocked what a man sows he will reap"

This is a picture of "Justice and Divine Vengeance" by Pierre-Paul Prud'how. He drew this in 1805-1808 on oil. You can be sure that the truth in this painting is not just hanging in antiquity! I hope you realize you will answer for the good and bad that you do in this body and you will answer to the King...every knee will bow and every tongue will confess is only a matter of time.

Quit playing Church

Men clean up your judgment day today..join the crusade against evil.....the choice must be made and you are the only one that can make it....not your wife...not your children ....The Roman Poet Horace's saying is true today,"Retribution rarely fails to pursue the evil man." Why are you letting yourself be a play thing the enemy uses to his great pleasure mocking our King with your inabilities to bridle your dark horse and put it under your control. Men "playing" like you are a Knight ins Shining Armor is not scaring the enemy any more then ants are afraid of a picnic.

Remember the picture up at the top, look at it again and then read the following from page 60 on Dr. Steve T. Hunters books Make Believers pg 60.

The enemy is in our camp

To the say the least, these statistics (about Internet porn) are alarming and heartbreaking. The last statistic is what concerns me most. (that Internet porn now ranks as the highest cause of divorce) The church does not even address the problem(this is a huge secret!). (Instead we have "no fear" because our perfect understanding of our precious doctrines have been polished, refined, and propagated around the world and they speak of a King that demands nothing. A God without wrath bringing me without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through a Christ who knew no cross) I'm also concerned that the statistics for pornography and sexual sin in the church are just as alarming and heartbreaking as they are for the world. According to the research conducted by Patrick Means and reported in his book, Men's Secret Wars (pp 132-133), he states that more then two-thirds of Christian men are involved in sexual sin in one form or another. This is not just talking about our young men.....MEN....this is a statistic talking about YOU!

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