- The majority of Pastor's wives surveyed said that the most destructive event that has occurred in their marriage and family occurred the day they entered the ministry
- Eighty-five percent of pastors said their greatest problem is that they are sick and tired of dealing with problem people, such as disgruntled elders, deacons worship leaders, worship teams, board members, and associate pastors. Ninety percent said the most difficult thing about the ministry is dealing with uncooperative people
- Fifty percent of pastors are so discouraged that they would leave the ministry if they could but have not other way of making a living
- Why don't you start reading your Bible to your kids, Why don't you start praying with your family, Why don't you quit pretending and hiding- behind all your Pride and False Humility our families are going down one at at time, we are being slaughtered , do you really think that "sweet little ol Sunday School teacher" is going to pass on "your family values" as she has all of about 15 minutes a week with your collective 35 children?
Men must we be reminded that our King laid down his life for his bride. The Bride (church) is in dire need of a new fresh vision for its' Knights in Shining Armor. My advice is start in your own heart and get that old set of rusty armor out of the closet, polish it and put it on. Next, Go catch that obstinate black horse that is running wild with passion and is virtually unbridled. Put a saddle on it.
Get back in the battle men......while you have been out gallivanting around in Cyber Forest...I have a news flash for you (just in).... your family is being attacked and the villages have been ransacked and pilfered OUR woman and children have no one left to protect them......they are fighting....they are dying......we are loosing Men! The Baron is almost in total control and will not stop fighting until he has every last family and marriage. (As of now only 1 out of 5 marriages in America have survived the first PROMISE made to God and the other spouse!)
The Baron knows that you are weak unto death.....and the ultimate goal has nearly been achieved the death of you and your family are just a "dagger" away as you have not a shield to protect your self. , May our King show Mercy upon us, come and rescue us once again, as it is in His character to do so, and start putting a new FIRE of Righteousness in our hearts.....May HE put us back in the saddle to ride again.....fight the good fight MEN! I know ....I know you have been wounded....you are hurt .....I am sorry for this....but .....get UP....get OVER IT....fight like a man ......you need to fight....GET UP and FIGHT!
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