Monday, December 3, 2007

Whats up in Galati

What a beautiful picture looking out over our little balconony into the sun reminds me of the passage: "The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So don't live in darkness. Get rid of your evil deeds. Shed them like dirty clothes. Clothe yourselves with the armor of right living, as those who live in the light." What a wonderful truth for us to live out this JESUS season....
This is Mani, trying to resist temptation......good thing the birds have a protection outside of themselves ..... well in the natural state they could fly.....and get a way from the dog only to be eaten by some other creature but now they are safe under the protective umbrella of their master....(how is that for a tricky recovery traci P.)

Robert with his new skates....Katie blessed him with these on his 18th birtday. We had a great day with our great son. Anybody who knows Robert knows that he takes after his mother! May be Robert can join the Flames Hockey Team at Liberty when he gets there.

Karla blessed us with this plate of HOME MADE CHOCOLATE cookies. We are three blessed men treated like "Kings, over here in near the orient!" Andrew is also blessed to have turned 14 this week. He has really passed the curse of 13 without much trouble. Now, he his way past all those teen problems and on his way to manhood! DrewmanGeddes has always been his nickname....and he is fast becoming a man of God. I praise the Lord for my two wonderful birthday boys. Roberts on the 27th and Andrews on the 28th of November.

She is till stunned that she was voted most godly woman in the SBC but hey humility is humility and we give thanks to all who took the time to sent a heartfelt congrats. Now this was not an official contest for those that didn't read all the way to the bottom of the page (Steve P.)! I must say thought it did score many points in the "husbands love your wife" category. Karla is looking forward to getting the entire family together this Christmas as Matthew is flying in on the 16th. We are going to have a great Christmas!

This was my gift to my sons, two knights in shining armor for my two up and coming knights! I pray this will help them remember to be a man of chivarly in these days of evil. They are great sons and we are growing closer and closer each day. I love my sons and pray that God will bless them by keeping them pure and forthright and make them noble servants of our King.

Now this girl is absolutely on the right track....she is intellegent, beautiful, out going and loves Jesus but hates to do dishes.....we are working on this! I can't imagine having a better daughter then this one! Katie is the only one I could really count on if I wanted to climb a big snow covered montian and risk my very existance. She would be right there at her daddy's side. You ask what about those big strong knights pictured above....? Well, what can I say....we are a little "soft" in this arena!

Remember this Christmas season to love your neighbors....and be kind to one another....and why not kick that into the new year, in the "summer and fall" collection of Christian attributes..Sometimes Christians are sort of like snow tires....good for one season!

Remember to get Santa all your presents in time for him to distribute them around the globe. Time is ticking I need them all by the middle of December so my elfs can start sorting them! I wonder if it makes Santa upset that I only pretend to love him and that I really follow JESUS and believe that He is the greatest gift we could have ever received. Well, sorry Santa, but you and your ways will soon end, we are eternal people that know this season is the greatest of all because it is about our wonderful saviour and His becoming flesh and dwelling among us. We are no longer bound by materialism and gluttony because we are children of the King. To us Christmas is about Christ!